November 3, 2017

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences_Italy

Italy – Food Defense Awareness Training Course in Verona

If you export to the US, join us on November 17. Register by November, 10
Mérieux NutriSciences_Training

Food industries certified with the most common Food Standards have to develop a product protection plan: according to a recent US rule -if they want to export to US- they also have to manage a Food Defense Program to avoid intentional adulteration before July 26, 2019.

Together with Tecnoalimenti, Mérieux NutriSciences Italy will host a Training Course in Verona, on November 17 held by an FDA-recognized Food Defense Coordinator. On that day, it will be possible to learn all the updated information on the Guide-lines protecting food products, related legal requirements and GFSI standards required by the new rules.
This Training Course is addressed to food industries aiming at being certified according to the most common Food Standards or wishing to export their products to the US.

For any further information, please call +39-045-8283311 or write to

Download the program and the registration form here, fill it and send it to not later than November, 10.



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