August 6, 2018

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Mexico - GFSI and the Mexican government announce food safety standards

The norm is the result of a project during an 18-month collaboration

The Mexican Federation Official Journal (Diario Oficial de la Federación) published the first voluntary norm on food safety for Mexico on 5th July 2018, after a public consultation during the spring of 2018. The norm is the result of a project during an 18-month collaboration between the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and the Mexico Ministry of Economy, General Direction of Standards (Dirección General de Normas - DGN). 

The project aimed to establish guidelines for the certification of programs and development of private food safety systems recognized by GSFI. GFSI’s Mexico Local Group coordinated the public-private project, with the support of the National University (UNAM), and other interested groups. In July the standards were published in the Official Journal  with the aim to establish guidelines for the certification of programs and development of private food safety systems recognized by GFSI.

Source: GFSI website

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