October 31, 2017

Luís Vilanova_Mérieux NutriSciences Portugal

Portugal - An update on Special Consumption Tax

“Sugar tax” has already yielded nearly 50 million of euros

The soft drink tax surrendered 46,7 million euros in the first six months of collection, according to the amounts advanced by the Government of Portugal, which maintains the revenue forecast until the end of the year at around 80 million euros.

The Assistant Secretary of State and of Health made the following statement to a Portuguese journal (Jornal de Notícias): “In February, the drinks with more sugar represented 45% of total sales and the ones with less 55%. They were very close. In July, the drinks with more sugar represented 27% compared to 73% of the other ones. In six months, a very short space, there was a large transfer of consumption, which is very positive.”

Read our previous news on the topic published in February.


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