April 7, 2017

Maria Crespan, Mérieux NutriSciences Spain

Spain - 2017 Training Workshops

Seminars, courses and webinars
Mérieux NutriSciences_Seminar

Merieux NutriSciences Spain invites for training workshops held in Barcelona, Madrid and Santiago de Compostela.

To respond to individual training, we annually develop a program of courses of common interest issues and theoretical-practical format designed to share experiences and aimed at professionals of the food industry.
The areas of knowledge of the programmed courses are:
•Nutritional information
•Innovation and technology
•Food law
•Labelling of food products
•Food safety
•Sensory analysis
•Process technologies

The description of workshops, actual schedule and application form are available here.
For information and register please write to consultoria.legal@mxns.com 

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