December 6, 2016

Agata Pękosławska-Garstka, Mérieux NutriSciences Poland

Seminar in Poland: Food additives, flavourings and enzymes

Merieux NutriSciences Poland invites in Warsaw, Dec 14th
Mérieux NutriSciences_Seminars

On December 14th Mérieux NutriSciences Poland is planning to held in Warsaw (Headquarter Silliker Polska Sp. z o.o. - ul. Waryńskiego 1) a training on "Food additives, flavourings and enzymes - the practical use of current legal regulations". The workshop starts at 9:30 am and will end at 3:30 pm.

Did you know that not all food additives and enzymes have to be declared in the list of ingredients?
Are you confused with food additives, flavourings and enzymes?
Would you like to know how to declare them on the label?
Do you know the difference between flavouring and natural flavouring?
Do you know the difference between colour and food with colouring properties?
Would you like to label your product with term “Does not contain…”, “With no added…” etc., and do not how?

For information and register please write to

Merieux NutriSciences offers also service of Label conformity and Product conformity. Therefore, if you want be sure your label is compliant just contact us 


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