October 28, 2016

Agata Pękosławska-Garstka, Mérieux NutriSciences Poland

UE: Limitation of trans fats in food

Parliament wants binding limits of the amount of trans fats in food – plenary session
Mérieux NutriSciences_TransFat Label

Trans fatty acids called also as trans fats (TFAs) are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that are widely used in the food industry. Trans fats can be found not only in margarine and fast food but also in soups, sauces,  deep-fried foods, bakery products, cakes, ready-made meals etc.

Scientists linked heavy consumption of trans fats with such diseases like diabetes, obesity, infertility,  Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular diseases. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends reducing consumption of TFAs to less than 1% of total daily energy intake. Currently the content of trans fats in food products or requiring their labelling are not regulated in The European Union. 
This week MEPs voted on a resolution calling for limits on these artificially produced fats. The resolution was passed by 586 votes to 19, with 38 abstentions. 
According to resolution voted The European Union should place mandatory limits on industrially-produced trans-fatty acids (TFA). In MEPs opinion The Commission should propose an EU legal limit on the industrial TFA content of all foods as soon as possible, and preferably within two years.

Learn more about our services in labeling and product conformity.

Source: EU Parliament

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