May 10, 2019

Caterina Degano Massimo_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Chile - Organic agriculture agreement with Brazil started last April

Mutual recognition for the organic origin
Merieux NutriSciences_Organic 2

The “Memorándum de Entendimiento de Productos Orgánicos entre Chile y Brasil” (Memorandum of Understanding of Organic Products between Chile and Brazil) signed last April between these two countries was implemented. It promotes the trade of organic products in both countries by mutually recognizing their certification and control systems. The initiative has been highly desired by exporters and importers of organic products, and was made possible after a great work of coordination. 

This is a great business opportunity for Chilean organic producers as Brazil is a great market for organic products. This agreement is the first in the world that recognizes both ways of organic certification, with no restrictions: third-party and first-party certifications.

Source: Chilean Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero website 

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