July 2, 2018

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences_Italy

EU – EFSA made new recommendations to protect infants from pesticide residues

New advice on foods for infants and young children
Mérieux NutriSciences_testing

Recently EFSA proposed to evaluate the safety of pesticide residues in foods intended for infants and young children (below 16 weeks of age).
According to 2017 Scientific Committee suggestions and the results of a literature search, EFSA recommends that “the maximum levels of certain types of pesticide residues that can be present in foods intended for infants and young children be reviewed. This would ensure ample protection for infants under 16 weeks even at the very highest possible exposure levels”.

Last note of EFSA states that “For infants older than 16 weeks the current approach to establishing health-based guidance values is still considered appropriate”.

Source: EFSA Online News channel

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