September 18, 2017

Romualda Dolińska_Mérieux NutriSciences Poland

EU- Plant-based product cannot be labeled as “milk products”

Judgment of the European Court of Justice
Mérieux NutriSciences_MIlk and cows

The term “milk” and the designations used for milk products are protected in European Union law  since a long time.
The new trends and consumer demand are the reason of occurring on the market the milk products substitutes for consumers who can not consume them, whether for health reasons or for choice. We can see on the market products like: tofu cheese, soy milk, almond cream, oats milk etc.  

On 14 June 2017 Court of Justice of the European Union (in case C-422/16),  gives the judgment, that the name “milk” can be used only for milk obtained from animals. Also the “milk products” like “cream”, “yoghurt”, “cheese” etc. are exclusively reserved only for dairy products. However, there is a list of exceptions, provided in particular law e.g. “cocoa butter”. The list of particular phrases allowed by derogation varies in different countries. The Court also said, that and additional description indicating the origin (e.g. soybean, rice, oat) does not affect the abovementioned restriction.

Learn more about labeling and product conformity.

Source: EU Court of Justice

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