July 17, 2017

Elisa Biondani_Mérieux NutriSciences Italia

European Union - Cutting food waste

A Decision sets a target of 30% by 2025

Food waste in the EU is estimated to amount to 88 million tons, namely 173 kg per capita, per year. The production and disposal of such waste lead to the emission of 170 million tons of CO2 and the consumption of 26 million tons of resources.

In the light of this scenario, the plenary session of the European Commission -held on last 16 May- focused on reducing food waste. A resolution was adopted and it includes measures to obtain a 30% cut of food waste by 2025 and 50% by 2030. The proposal aims at removing existing restrictions on food donations and end the confusion created by food labels “Best before” and “Date of expiry”.
A Press release states that national authorities shall inform consumers of the exact meaning of these two dates, including information on the possible use of foods even after the “Best before” date.

The European Commission should also consider removing expiry dates for products that do not pose a risk to health and the environment.

Source: European Parliament 


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