September 9, 2019

Kae Sugisaki_Japan

Japan - Export of pork to Thailand admitted

The agreement comes after 8 years of negotiations
Mérieux NutriSciences_Pigs

Since July 2012, the Japanese "Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" has been negotiating with the Thai government to export pork from Japan to Thailand. After a long confrontation, the two governments reached an agreement on export conditions last July.

The main export conditions are the absence of "African Cholera Suino Virus (African Swine Fever Virus)" and of "Foot-and-mouth disease". The pigs must come from places where the epidemic has been absent for a year, they must be treated in facilities where there is a quality control system and must be registered by the authority of Thailand through the "Ministry of Health, Labour and Japanese welfare ".

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 


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