February 5, 2018

Kae Sugisaki_Japan

Japan - self-sufficiency in food at 40%

The latest 2016 reports confirm import dependency
Mérieux NutriSciences_harbour

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries published the 2016 "Food Balance Sheet" report, which reveals the country's food self-sufficiency rate: Japan is 60% dependent on imports.

In 2016 there were as many as 32,300,000 tons of materials imported (mainly food, packaging and toys) amounting to a total of 2,340,000 units imported.
Among these, only 773 units were subjected to recall and 136 were withdrawn for violations after the monitoring control.
To guarantee the safety of imported food, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare introduced the "Plan for monitoring and assisting imported food".
Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

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