April 3, 2018

Wonshik Choi_Korea

Korea - Clinical trial demonstrates the effectiveness of rice

Cooked rice is effective in suppressing obesity and preventing metabolic syndrome

In a clinical trial conducted jointly with the Bundang Jesaeng Hospital, the RDA (Rural Development Administration) announced for the first time that rice is effective in preventing metabolic syndromes such as obesity and diabetes, and also has an effect on health promotion.

Recently, the cause of obesity is carbohydrates, and the carbohydrate rice has been misunderstood as a leading cause of diabetes and various adult diseases.
However, clinical trials have shown that rice can prevent metabolic syndrome and reduce body weight and body fat. Clinical trials were divided into healthy adult subjects and pre-diabetic subjects.
This study confirmed that if we eat rice with a controlled diet of three times a day, people can inhibit and prevent the metabolic syndrome.

This result is meaningful as a scientific basis for stimulating domestic and overseas consumption of rice and processed rice products, which is expected to have a significant impact on rice diversification and consumption expansion.

Source: - Korean RDA (Rural Development Administration) 

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