March 18, 2019

Korea – Soybean’s origin mark

The Ministry plans more controls
Mérieux NutriSciences_Soya

Most beans, which are food ingredients for the general public such as tofu and bean sprouts, depend on imports. In order to prevent the illegal distribution of soybean on the market, the Korean Minister (MAFRA) has conducted many controls in processing companies importing soybeans, processing tofu and bean sprouts, and also among distributors and restaurants. 

Since 1995, the country of origin of soybeans has been tested using equipment such as NIRS (Near-Infra Red Spectroscopy), which allows establishing the origin with an accuracy higher than 95%. Korea's National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service (NAQS) plans to strengthen these controls also in the near future so as to protect soybeans consumers and production farmers.

Source: MAFRA

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