January 14, 2019

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Peru - A national system that regulates the coffee chain is required

Objective: to implement control throughout the supply chain

The Peruvian Ministry of Production has declared the need to implement a standardized control system to regulate the coffee production chain that will be defined as SINET CAFE "Sistema Nacional Estandarizado de Tracabilidad sobre la cadena de producción, industrialization and comercialización del cafè".

In Peru, there are 223,000 family coffee companies that cultivate about 425,000 hectares of land in ideal environmental and climatic conditions for the Arabica speciality.

95% of these producers were hit in 2012 by the mushroom epidemic called "yellow coffee rose". A new system would allow accessing information as to enhance the work of every small producer.

Source: Congreso de la República de Peru


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