September 20, 2017

Romulada Dolińska_Mérieux NutriSciences Poland

Poland - Legal regulations for wild mushrooms

Season just started
Mérieux NutriSciences_Mushroom

The season for mushroom hunting has been started few weeks ago. This year in Poland is expected to be the largest grows of the wild mushrooms as a result of a very rainy summer. Before the launched to the local market, commercially harvested wild edibles mushrooms must be checked by a "classifier" or "mushrooms expert", who issues a special certificate. 

Did you know that in Poland there are special Ministry of Health's regulations on mushrooms which authorizes marketing or production of mushroom products, food containing mushrooms and "mushroom classifier" / "expert"? Nowadays is expecting the amendment of this regulation with three new mushrooms species. Therefore the list of mushrooms species which can be launched on the Polish market will be 47 items. 
If you want to know more about mushrooms regulations in other countries or Polish mushrooms legal list of spices, ask for our regulatory services.

Source: Legislacja


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