September 28, 2018

Diogo Fernandes, Carla Barros_Mérieux NutriSciences Portugal

Portugal - ASAE fights product counterfeiting

A new operation among spices producing industries

The Portuguese Food Safety and Economic Authority (ASAE) carried out in Braga, Guimarães and Porto, an operation in the fight against crimes of counterfeiting, illegal use of trademarks and sale of counterfeit articles.
The focus of the operation was on the production and storage sites of spices and condiments, as well as sales to the final consumer.

As a result of the actions, aimed at safeguarding evidence and safeguarding industrial property rights, more than 45,000 sachets of condiments and spices (paprika, cloves, nutmeg, among others) were learned, more than 1,400 reels of plastic packaging (already characterized with the injured mark) and 438 volumes of packaging, which violated the rights of the brand, and the value of the seizure amounted to a total value of € 121,293.

Various commercial documents were also seized, namely invoices, list of customers and quantities traded from the date of registration of the injured mark for inclusion in the filed suit.

Source:  Food Safety and Economic Authority (ASAE)

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