September 27, 2017

Luís Vilanova_Mérieux NutriSciences Portugal

Portugal - No report of eggs contaminated

Till this date not a case of eggs contaminated with Fipronil
Mérieux NutriSciences_eggs

According to DGAV, Portugal is free of contaminated eggs with Fipronil, being one of three state-members that weren’t affected by this crisis which started in the center of Europe.

Last suspected case put Portugal on the list of affected states-members and triggered an inspective action which has resulted to the confirmation of that suspicion wasn’t true once the eggs didn’t enter on Portuguese territory, the case was in fact about a company with residence in Portugal which was operating in Belgium and the acquisition of contaminated eggs took place in Belgian territory. 

Our laboratories evaluate the presence of contaminants, for more information, please contact us.

Source: DGAV



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