August 4, 2017

Luis Vilanova_Mérieux NutriSciences_Portugal

Portugal - transport of goods

Hygienic conditions of transport under verification
Mérieux NutriSciences_Transport

On May 18, the ASAE (Food and Economic Security Authority, Criminal Police Department), carried out a surveillance operation, called “Operação Abastecimento II”, with the purpose of verifying the conditions of transport of goods in circulation (food and non-food items) on main access roads to large urban, industrial, supplying markets and border areas. This operation was carried out in about 45 locations throughout the continental territory, the hygienic conditions of transport, temperature control and product labelling and accompanying documentation of the goods were verified.

During the action, developed in collaboration with the PSP and the GNR (police authorities), 1663 vehicles were inspected, having controlled several products that were being transported such as meat products, fuels, fish, fruit and vegetables, bread and pastry, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, textiles and footwear, automobile parts, construction products among others.
A criminal proceeding for malicious foodstuffs and 35 cases of misconduct were instituted, with the main infringements being non-compliance with general and specific hygiene requirements, lack of vehicle conditions for transporting foodstuffs and irregularities in respect of mandatory metrological control. 
About 1.5 tonnes of food (frozen meat, live bivalve molluscs, snails, fruit and vegetable products) were seized, one vehicle for lack of metrological control and four horses for lack of mandatory identification.

Source: ASAE (Food and Economic Security Authority, Criminal Police Department) - Press release 

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