September 25, 2017

Elisa Biondani_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Serbia – Food of animal origin: 2017 safety monitoring program published

Entered into force on September, 2
Mérieux NutriSciences_AnimalOriginFood

The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia recently published the 2017 Program for monitoring the safety of food of animal origin
The program, entered into force last September 2, covers food of animal origin manufactured in the Republic of Serbia such as mechanically separated meat, milk and whey, egg-based products in liquid form, fish and fish products, gelatin and collagen. 

The monitoring program mainly aims at determining the level of contaminants and micro-organisms and other harmful substances to gather data and analyze the risks in certain categories of foods. Therefore, its goal is to protect and increase consumers’ health. The Annex describes the program to be implemented and establishes sampling methods and analyses to be carried out.

To download the original law in PDF format, subscribe to Regulatory Update Online. You can ask for a 10 day free trial by clicking here.

Source: Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia

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