October 14, 2019

Maria Crespan_Mérieux NutriSciences Spain

Spain - Draft concerning the phytosanitary technical standard on wood packaging

The rule will allow the treatment of the used packaging

Recently the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación has published the Draft amending Orden AAA/458/2013, of March 11, which establishes the phytosanitary technical standard that wood packaging must comply with, as established in the international standard for phytosanitary measures (NIMF) Nº 15, and regulates the authorization and registration for wood packaging operators.
With the experience gained during this period, it has been considered that it is necessary to modify current regulation in order to allow the treatment of the used packaging, which is the wooden packaging that has not been treated and marked as established in NIMF 15.

It is important to take into account that by the moment it is only a draft and we will have to wait to be officially published in the Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE).

Source: Mérieux Nutrisciences Spain

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