March 1, 2017

Maria Crespan, Mérieux NutriSciences Spain

Spain - New Regulation for Caseins and Caseinates

Published a new Real Decreto
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Casein and caseinate were regulated by Orden de 28 de marzo de 1998. In Spain, in order to adapt the regulation of these products to European food legislation and international standards, and to the Directive (EU) 2015/2203 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to caseins and caseinates intended for human consumption, and repealing Council Directive 83/417/EEC has been repealed and new Real Decreto 600/2016 has been published.

As far as casein and caseinates subject to regulation are intended to be sold from company to company for the preparation of foodstuffs, it should be noted that Directive 2015/2203 maintains the specific labeling requirements, adapting them to the current food legislation, in order to provide the operators the information they need for the labeling of final products, and to prevent the products may be mistaken for similar products not intended for human consumption.

On the other hand, concerning the sampling and analysis methods, due to the existence of general, horizontal and uniform rules of the European Union in this area, specific rules previously applicable are not necessary.
Specific requirements for edible caseins are defined in annex I and specific requirements for caseinates are defined in annex II.

This new Real Decreto entered in force the 22nd of December of 2016 but products commercialized or labeled before that date according to Orden de 28 de marzo de 1998 can be commercialized until ending stock.
Our Consulting Department can support every company who needs to review their labels in order to ensure the correct adaptation to the new regulation.

Source: Mérieux Nutrisciences Spain

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