February 8, 2017

Maria Crespan, Mérieux NutriSciences Spain

Spain - New regulation for Flour

New quality requirements for products from cereal milling
Mérieux NutriSciences_Semolina

Flour, semolina and other products from cereal milling were regulated by Real Decreto 1286/1984. With the aim, among others, of adapting to the European regulation, and to simplify, modernize and enhance existing standards and improve the competitiveness of the sector, including advances made by technological innovation, it is advisable to draw up an updated Real Decreto 1286/1984, of 23 May, and the content of certain sections on the grinding and various products of cereals of the Código Alimentario Español.

By publishing the new Real Decreto 677/2016 it is established a framework that regulates the minimum conditions that the products must comply with, taking into account the products intended for final consumer, included the ones for collectivities and those intended for the supply of collectivities, such as products not intended for sale to the final consumer but only from company to company for the preparation of foodstuffs. This framework seeks, on one hand, to ensure fair competition between companies and to improve the competitiveness of the sector, enhancing innovation and the development of new products, and, on the other hand, to provide adequate information to help the consumer choice of purchase.

The most important changes are the definition of some new products (as harina integral whole wheat flour or harina con salvado/ flour with bran). There is also an important point to take into account that concerns the labeling of these products. In addition, in products intended for industrial use, the mandatory particulars referred to in this standard and in the labeling provisions of food may appear only in commercial documents accompanying the product at the time of delivery or prior to delivery, provided that the words “no destinado a la venta al por menor” (not for retail sale) or “producto destinado a uso industrial” (product intended for industrial use). 

Our Labeling Services are ready to provide consultancy on the whole new rules and can support every company who needs to review their labels in order to ensure the correct adaptation to the new regulation.

Source: Mérieux Nutrisciences Spain

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