April 30, 2019

Elisa Biondani_ Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Switzerland - The domestic egg market is growing

A 3.6 percent growth in last year
Mérieux Nutrisciences_Eggs

In Switzerland, the egg consumption is increasing (it is now close to 181 eggs per person per year) and the eggs produced internally are approaching the threshold of one billion euros, registering a 3.6 per cent growth compared to the previous year. The market share covered by the local product is 63% of the entire supply of eggs.

It is estimated that the 18 million increase in eggs consumed in the last year may be due to the 0.5% increase in the country's population growth.
However, even the growing attention to the organic market could have had an impact: in 2018 the total production of organic eggs grew by over 10 million pieces with a total of 169 million pieces, corresponding to a market share of 17, 3 per cent of all eggs produced within the country.

Source: Swiss Confederation website



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