May 31, 2018
White paper

Anne-Elodie Gennetier_Mérieux NutriSciences

WHITE PAPER – How to facilitate your product development in a global regulatory environment

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Food laws and regulations are continually evolving with significant differences from one country to another, impacting each and every department of a company. In fact, those regulations impact every step of a product development, from R&D to marketing through procurement and quality. Non-conformity in product composition, labeling or claims can be both costly and damaging for a brand image. In addition to these challenges, product development needs to be more and more innovative as it becomes increasingly complex to put products on the market.

To ensure an efficient product development with a fast go-to-market for targeted countries, it is essential to set up and follow regulatory frameworks to comply to local rules all along the product life cycle. It requires an international network of regulatory experts in order to share structured information, ensure data continuity from suppliers to consumers, and elaborate an efficient collaboration facilitated by optimized processes. 

Discover more about simple best practices for your product development and export in this exclusive white paper released by Mérieux NutriSciences in collaboration with Lascom company.

Download the White Paper

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