August 30, 2017

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences_Italy

India - A standard on organic labeling would increase the market by 20%

A recent ICRIER study says
Mérieux NutriSciences_India_BIO

India, the country with the highest number of organic farmers in the world, is involved in frauds in the organic sector. The study “Organic Farming in India: Status, Issues and Way Forward” published in August by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic (ICRIER) recalls that India ranks 11th among 170 exporting countries of organic products and 9th as for the area destined to production; however, the rules of the organic market only concern exports and not imports and domestic market. Therefore, many frauds occur and many non-organic products are labeled and placed on the market as if they were organic.

The authors argue that India’s almost 1.5 million hectares of organic cultivation could greatly benefit from a legislation on organic labeling and sanctions for fraudulent practices should also be envisaged. The impact of such a measure could lead to a 20% increase in the market.
Ninety-five percent of organic producers surveyed (418 in total) are satisfied with their “organic choice” and 73% claim that an organic certification would help them in seeing their efforts recognized.

Source: Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations 

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