September 8, 2017

Kae Sugisaki_Japan

Japan - 4,5% increase in food export

Data from January to June
Mérieux NutriSciences_Japan

The Japan Ministry of Agriculture published the results on the export of agricultural, forestry, fisheries and food products from January to June 2017.
The total sum amounts to approximately 2,937,936,000 euro (a 4.5% increase if compared to the previous year).

In detail, agricultural products increased by 2% (around 1,772,384,000 euro), forestry products by 33.9% (134,299,900 euro) and fishery products by 6% with 1,030,528,000 euro.
The largest export market is addressed to Hong Kong, followed by USA and China, the third destination of Japanese products. 

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


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