October 18, 2017

Luís Vilanova_Mérieux NutriSciences Portugal

EU - Import of Products of Animal Origin

Technical clarification
Mérieux NutriSciences_Transport

It was published an enlightenment concerning veterinary checks on products listed in Annex I of Decision 2007/275/EC derived from third countries and transhipped in a port or airport of the European Union.
Products of animal origins introduced into the Community from third countries must be declared to the border inspection posts (BIP), where the transhipping is made, regardless of the time of stay in that port or airport.

The declaration to the BIP is made for consignments intended for placing on the EU market, as well as for consignments which, after such transshipment, transit to a third country.
This Clarification presents the declaration and control procedures made on the BIP.

Our Labeling and Regulatory Division can support every company who needs support to align with the new rules.

Source: Portuguese National Authority for Animal Health


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