December 11, 2017

Pascale Carrabin_Mérieux NutriSciences France

France - Nutri-score labeling comes into force in France

Additional form of expression of the nutrition declaration

In 2016, French law implemented an additional form to the nutrition declaration (law 2016-41): this was taken on the basis of Article 35 of the EU Regulation 1169/2011. French authorities adopt the Nutri-score system, after a consultation process that found it was the “best understood” labeling system.

It is a graphic marker that synthesizes the nutritional score of foods in 5 classes on a scale of 5 colors (from dark green to dark orange), associated with letters ranging from A ("best nutritional quality") to E ( "Poorer nutritional quality). The graphic symbol of Nutri-score and its characteristics are provided in the appendix of this ministerial order (specifications). Any eligible company wishing to use the Nutri-score mark must notify its intention to Public Health France (SPF). This law came into force on November 4, 2017.
Our Labeling and Regulatory Division can support every company who needs support to align with the new rules. 

Source: Legifrance 

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