March 2, 2018

Ana Sousa_Mérieux NutriSciences Portugal

Portugal – WHO congratulates Portugal

Efforts to promote healthy eating
Mérieux NutriSciences_Healthyfood

In January the World Health Organization (WHO) congratulated the Portuguese government for its efforts to promote healthy eating, including restrictions on the consumption of sugar, which make it one of the European leaders in the area of nutrition and health.
The WHO Director for Europe refers specifically to the Integrated Strategy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (EIPAS), published in Diário da República December 29 and wants to reduce salt consumption, restrict certain sales and encourage healthier ones.

Regarding restrictions on the sale of food at vending machines, as envisaged at the EIPAS, WHO says in the letter that food available in places such as day-care centers, schools, hospitals and public institutions "strongly affect consumption patterns."

EIPAS provides for restrictions on the sale of food at vending machines, salt reduction in food, incentives for organic production, reduction in the distribution of sugar (packages), or limitations on the advertising of food for minors with excess salt, sugar, and fats

Source: Lusa  

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