May 18, 2018

Caterina Degano Massimo_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Brazil - Food education will be part of the school program

A step to reduce childhood obesity
Mérieux NutriSciences_School

With the law n. 13.666, of May 16, 2018, Brazil officially introduces food and nutrition education into the programs of primary and secondary education, as an integral part of the teachings related to science and biology.
The intent of the new law is to reduce childhood obesity, as well as to provide information on healthy eating to counter inadequate eating habits or poor preparation towards the subject.

The text, which modifies the law on the guidelines for national education (Law No. 9.394 / 1996), has its origin in the substitute to the decree of the Chamber 102/2017, and has been published in the Official Gazette (Diário Oficial da União) after being approved in the Senate plenary session last April. The new legislation will come into force in 180 days.

Source: Agência Senado

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