May 29, 2018

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Italy - In 25 years, pasta exports doubled

56% of domestic production addressed to foreign markets
Mérieux NutriSciences_Pasta

Recent elaborations conducted by Aidepi (Associazione delle Industrie del Dolce e della Pasta Italiane  - Association of Italian Sweet and Pasta Industries) on ISTAT data show that in the last 25 years the countries receiving Made in Italy pasta have increased (today almost 200, + 34%) and the export quota is more than doubled (from 740,000 tons to over 2 million tons per year).

In Europe, 71% of pasta comes from Italian pasta factories, which export 56% of their production.
In practice every all Italian producer exports its product, while in the rest of the Italian food sector, only 10% of companies deal with foreign markets.

Source: ANSA 

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