August 3, 2018

Wonshik Choi_Korea

Korea - Nutrition labeling guidelines to promote better eating habits

New measures to manage obesity
Mérieux NutriSciences Labeling

As the high obesity rate of the Korean people is expected to increase from 5.3% to 9.0% in 2030, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced new measures to cope with this thread. The government is going to manage preemptive and comprehensive obesity by linking policy for sectors such as nutrition, diet and physical activity of the people. 
Therefore, the Ministry decided to develop the guidelines and establish a monitoring system and it plans to expand the categories of food nutrition labeling and nutrition labels

Next year the nutrition labeling will be applied to sauces, sugars, fruits and vegetable processed foods. In 2021, it will be applied to vegetable creams, dressings, fried foods, while in 2023 agricultural processing foods, fish processing foods, animal processing foods will be included in these guidelines.

Source: Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare

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