September 3, 2018

Diogo Fernandes, Carla Barros_Mérieux NutriSciences Portugal

Portugal – New seizure in olive oil trade

ASAE seizes 24,000 liters and 63 thousand of irregular labels
Mérieux NutriSciences_OliveOil

Following the investigation that had taken place several months ago, the Food and Economic Security Authority carried out, in an olive oil packaging unit in the Bragança district, the seizure of about 24 000 liters of a product due to irregularities on labeling and lack of traceability. 
63 thousand irregular labels were seized, worth more than 22 000 euros.

During this inspection, operation was also carried out a partial suspension of activity for lack of general and specific hygiene requirements. Samples were taken for further verification of physical-chemical parameters legally established and suspected of the packaged product.

Source: ASAE


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