November 30, 2018

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences_Italy

Sweden - New EU law will reduce the use of antibiotics in animals

Many countries, including Sweden, have been doing it voluntarily for a long time
Mérieux NutriSciences_AnimalFeed

A Government press release underlines that the new EU legislation on veterinary drugs and pharmaceutical products in animal nutrition will reduce the use of antibiotics, thus inhibiting the issues related to antibiotic-resistance. The new rule will enter in force in 3 years.

However, rightly in Sweden, animal owners, veterinarians, authorities and other stakeholders are collaborating for a responsible use of antibiotics; thus, the new legislation will affect Sweden less than other EU countries.

Thanks to this law, the possible use of antibiotics for prevention purposes will be strongly limited and it will not be allowed to compensate poor hygiene or lack of care. 


Source: Swedish Food Administration

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