December 7, 2018

Caterina Degano Massimo_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Mexico – Export of meat to Singapore resumed

Green light from the Agro-food and Veterinary Authorities of Singapore
Mérieux NutriSciences_AnimalFeed

The Agro-food and Veterinary Authorities of Singapore informed the Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA) about the green light for the export of beef to ten Mexican establishments.

It should be recalled that the production of carcasses of cattle exceeded 1.9 million tons in 2017 (a figure 2.6% higher than in 2016). This new market joins other countries such as China, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong, whose consumers already enjoy Mexican beef. To obtain such authorization, the health status of Mexico played a crucial role because the WHO qualified it as a country with a minor risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and foot-and-mouth disease and therefore able to guarantee the identification of the livestock, the harmlessness of the meat and animal health.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture

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