December 21, 2018

Caterina Degano Massimo_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Russia – Import of meat from Brazil resumed

After almost a year of restrictions, imports of pork and beef start again
Mérieux NutriSciences_AnimalFeed

Russia resumed imports of pork and beef on 1 November following a nearly one-year stop due to accidental cross-contamination by ractopamina, a growth promoter in feed formulation. “To achieve this, intensive work on the traceability and segregation of products has been done to meet the needs of the Russian market, even though ractopamine is a safe product”, says the Secretary of Agriculture, “and all the measures are accompanied by technical work and discussions with Russian health authorities”.

The Secretary hopes that thanks to the resumption of exports, companies will start working again after the paralysis of the last period. The companies that will resume exports mainly deal with boneless meat and raw and preserved pork meat, beef slaughtering, cutting, preservation, manufacturing of by-products.

SOURCE: Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil


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