November 3, 2016

Massimo Frera, Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Italy: “Food labeling: mandatory items and marketing aspects” - Free seminar in Brescia

Let’s meet on November 24 at 9.30 for a day dedicated to food labeling!
Mérieux NutriSciences Italy_labeling

Mérieux NutriSciences Italia offers the free seminar on “Food labeling: mandatory items and marketing aspects” which will be held on November 24 at the Novotel in Brescia (Via Pietro Nenni, 22). After registering all participants, at 9.30, Massimo Buonavita (Labeling and Regulatory | Mérieux NutriSciences Italia) will deliver a speech on “Food labeling in Italy and in the European Union: the scope of Regulation 1169/2011 and national legislations”. Time will be dedicated to understand how the labeling of Italian food has changed after the entry into force of such Regulation; how to make labels for EU market; which categories and issues still remain at discretion of Member States. Brief remarks will be offered on the major markets outside Europe (ex. USA, Canada, Russia, India, Brazil, China).  

After a coffee break, at 10.45 Silvia Romagnoli (Labeling and Regulatory | Mérieux NutriSciences Italia) will dwell on “Regulated and non-regulated nutritional, health, ingredients and sensory claims. Provability and sustainability”. The report focuses on the requirements to boast differentiating properties of foods, the terms of use of health claims, and the labeling; it will also offer a general overview in EU markets and the major extra-European markets.

At 12.00 Questions & Answers and at 12.30 closing of the session

For further information please write to not later than November 18. 


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