December 9, 2016

Massimo Frera, Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Italy - The Made in Italy Agribusiness is worth 36.7 billion euro per year

Joint report by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan and the Federation of Italian farmers (Coldiretti) on Italian export
Mérieux NutriSciences_Made in Italy

Italian exports in agribusiness grows by 7.4% in the world. According to a survey conducted by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan and Coldiretti (together with Promos, a special body of the Chamber of Commerce for international activities) and published in November, the “Made in Italy” in this sector is worth 36.7 billion euro per year.

The data reported on the website of Coldiretti are the result of the calculations made by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan on the basis of the data by the Italian National Institute of Statistics for 2014 and 2015 and show that Germany, France, the US, the UK and Switzerland are the target countries for more than 50% of exports. The most relevant data concern the following: the main destinations (particularly US with 19.7%, and UK with 8.6%) are growing; the main buyers for almost all product categories are France and Germany, the US is the top importer of wine, mineral water and oils, Spain for fresh fish, Greece and the Philippines for feed.

The most exported “Made in Italy” product is wine (5.4 billion), followed by bread, pasta and flour products (3.6 billion), processed and preserved fruit and vegetables (3.4 billion). The largest increases were recorded for mineral water (+ 21.1%), animal feed (+ 20%), non-manufactured products from non-perennial crops such as cereals, rice, vegetables (+ 15.5%), tea and coffee (+ 11.2%).

Source: Federation of Italian farmers (Coldiretti)

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