December 15, 2016

Elisa Biondani, Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Italy - PGI for Anguria Reggiana

Details of a historical product of Italian plains
Mérieux NutriSciences_Watermelon

The EU Official Journal (L301, November 9, 2016) approved Regulation no. 1959 and made the registration of the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) for the “Anguria Reggiana” official. The Ministry of Agriculture (MIPAAF) has therefore published the product specification.

The botanical species in question is the watermelon “Citrullus lanatus”, the production area covers a large part of the Italian plain ("Pianura Padana"), including many historical cultivation centers as Gualtieri, Novellara, Santa Vittoria, Poviglio and Cadelbosco di Sopra, Rio Saliceto and Ca’ de’ Frati. In this territory the cultivation and sale of this product is also proven by the finding of huts dating back at the beginning of the last century, built to sell and consume slicedwatermelon. As for the culture technique, the “detachment” at the time of collection is typical of the territory.

If you are interested in receiving details on the marketing of this product with the name “Anguria Reggiana”, Mérieux NutriSciences Compliance Labeling Services are available.

Source: Italian Ministry of Agriculture

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