February 23, 2017

Agata Pękosławska-Garstka, Mérieux NutriSciences Poland

Poland - A new edition of training workshops, 2017

Merieux NutriSciences invites for training workshops held in Warsaw
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Polish training workshops are addressed to staff responsible for food safety and product quality: employees of quality and R&D departments, engineers, laboratory technicians as well as production and marketing departments. The most important objective of the workshops held in Warsaw is to provide the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical information on, among other areas such as:

•Food law
•Labelling of food products
•Sensory analysis
•Contaminations and food fraud
•Allergens managing
•GHP, GMP and HACCP system 
•Instrumental techniques in physicochemical laboratory

The description of workshops, actual schedule and application form are available here.

For information and register please write to konsultacje@mxns.com

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