May 17, 2017

Luis Vilanova_Mérieux NutriSciences Portugal

Portugal – Authorization for labeling carcases of pigs raised in Portugal

Carcases of pigs, raised in Portuguese explorations and fed on cereals and with welfare standards, can use the label “Porco.PT”
Mérieux NutriSciences_Pigs

A notice was published on Portuguese Republic Diary, by DGAV, presenting the approval of the specifications to the production and marketing of pig meat with the label “Porco PT”.
This notice also designates which pig meat is approved to use this reference: meat derived from pig carcasses obtained from animals raised on Portuguese livestock farms, fed on cereals, with certified animal welfare standards. 

The characteristics of the product are essentially due to the feed supplied to the animals, with a minimum of 50% of cereals, to animal welfare conditions, with a fattening area useful at least higher than those dictated by European standards, and surgical castration of the piglets to avoid the odour in the meat. 
The product is placed on the market in the form of carcasses and half-carcases, as well as in the form of any piece of cutting, packed or in bulk.

Our Labeling and Regulatory Division can support every company who needs support to align with the new rules.

Source:Official Journal Portugal (DRE) 


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