Brazil – Regulatory impact on nutritional labeling submitted to the OECD
During the last week of November, Anvisa took part in the meetings of the Rede de Reguladores Econômicos and the Regulatory Policy Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
During the presentation on the progress of the implementation of the Regulatory Impact Analysis (AIR), the work for the implementation of regulatory impact analysis was presented, with a peculiar focus on the general guidelines and the AIR Guide. Furthermore, seven crucial components were highlighted for the development of OECD’s regulatory policy: participation of the stakeholders; regulatory impact analysis; inspections; evaluation of the regulatory result; supervision of actions to improve regulatory quality; global actions and understanding of behavioural insights.
The AIR report contains an overall assessment of proposals to improve nutrition labeling and a review of international regulatory experiences as well as of studies comparing the effects of different models of frontal nutritional labeling, understanding and use of this information by consumers.
Source: Anvisa website