France - Technological aids: towards the simplification of national law

French regulations set the conditions for the authorization and use of processing aids that may be used in the manufacture of foodstuffs intended for human consumption (decree 2011-509 and ministerial order October 19, 2006). Currently, the regulation provides two procedures:
- authorization of use, after consulting ANSES for processing aids that may pose a health risk and
- simple declaration procedure with the DGCCRF for other processing aids.
This new text reduces the list of processing aids submitted for reassessment by ANSES and establishes a deadline for submitting the file required for this re-evaluation. The text also announces that operators will have access to all the technological aids that can be used following a declaration of use via the DGCCRF website. Note that this text modifies the lists of authorized technological aids (in particular, antifoams).
Coming into force: October 8, 2017
Our Labeling and Regulatory Division can support every company who needs support to align with the new rules.
Source: LegiFrance