Mexico - Measures to eliminate the use of highly dangerous pesticides

Pesticides can cause adverse health effects in the event of inhalation, contaminated food or water intake or cause soil contamination, too.
The Ministry of Health implemented some measures to promote compliance with international treaties to prohibit the use of dangerous pesticides and minimize polluting emissions, also by virtue of the various international conventions that recommend the prohibition of importing hazardous chemicals such as azinphos-methyl, captafol, chlordane, DDT, endosulfan, lindane, alachlor, aldicarb, phosphamidon, methylparation, carbofuran and trichlorfon, due to their high level of health risk for the population.
Finally, the publication of the Decree amending the tax law on import and export will allow the prohibition of the import of various toxic substances and high-risk pesticides.
Source: Ministerio de la Agricultura