Peru - Peruvian coffee will conquer new markets in 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture (Minagri) announced a series of measures to increase the national cultivation of coffee through the development of a promotion strategy of the “Marca nacional de café” to conquer new markets in 2020, the creation of the Instituto Nacional del Café to support small producers and implement actions to increase domestic coffee consumption.
Peru is among the top 10 coffee producers in the world and the second-largest exporter of organic coffee: for this reason and thanks to the Decreto Supremo N° 010-2019-Minagri, the Plan Nacional de Acción del Café Peruano 2019-2030 (PNA Café) was approved to offer more dynamism and support to the sector. This Plan considers the increase of the average productivity at a national level, the improvement of the quality of exported coffee, the easiness of access to financial services for coffee production and the improvement of positioning and marketing some of its priorities.
Source: Peruvian government website