January 27, 2017

Terry Liao, Mérieux NutriSciences China

China - New standards of Pesticides

China revised GB 2760, the maximum residue limits of pesticides in foods
Mérieux NutriSciences Pesticides

On December 28th, 2016, the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China issued series of new standards, including GB 2763-2016 and other 106 standards. They are all referring to pesticides

GB 2763-2016 gives out the maxim residue limits of pesticides in foods, the other 106 standards gives out the testing method of pesticides which are prescribed in GB 2763-2016. The number pesticides in GB 2763-2016 has been increased when compared with GB 2763-2014, from 387 to 433; the number of MRLs of pesticides in food increased too, from 3650 to 4140.
The new added in pesticides are sophocarpidine, lufenuron, daminozide, terbuthylazine, prometryn and other 41 new pesticides. The new GB 2763 revised ADIs of some pesticides, such as diquat, cyhexatin. Revised the English name of some pesticides, such as propiconazole, thiosultap-disodium, fthalide and etc.

12 new testing methods have been increased, such as SN/T 0162, SN/T 0198, SN/T 0931, SN/T 1624, SN/T 1989 and etc.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China

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