November 6, 2017

France - Presence of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in food products (nanoparticles)

An update on current and future work and actions

TiO2 is used as food additives (whitening properties and flavor enhancer). There is uncertainty about its health impact at the nanoscale.
Several times the titanium dioxide has been the subject of press articles highlighting its presence in nano form in confectionery ... thus creating the concern of consumers.

The French government wants short-term results. A new opinion from ANSES is expected (2018) and DGCCRF services have developed analytical methods to control the presence of these substances. Moreover, producers are obliged to declare nanomaterials on the label (INCO and ministerial order published on May 5, 2017). Checks are ongoing and will be intensified (DGCCRF): their results will be presented at Community level to allow, where appropriate, to clarify the applicable rules.

Source: Ministry of Ecological Transition

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