September 7, 2018

Massimo Frera_Mérieux NutriSciences Italy

Italy is the seventh fruit and vegetable exporter in the world

In 2017 the volume of business amounted to 5.1 billion euros
Mérieux NutriSciences_Fruit

The latest data on the fruit and vegetable sector has recently been released by four important local institutions (Fico Foundation, Caab- Centro Agroalimentare di Bologna, Fedagromercati and Italmercati). Italian exports in the sector have grown consistently thanks to new agreements signed with China, USA, Canada and India and Italy is now the seventh exporter in the world.

The domestic market also grew by 3.2% compared to the volumes of 2016. The main sales channel is the Large-Scale Distribution (50%) followed by general markets (27%). In Italy, 3,600 companies are in the fruit and vegetable business (processing and marketing); however, many producers who directly operate on the market have to be added to this figure.

Source: Press release by ANSA

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