September 7, 2018

Kae Sugisaki_Japan

Japan – Horticulture: updates on market’s statistics

Demand and supply for vegetable products in August 2018

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has updated the supply and demand statistics for vegetable growing. In August 2018, domestic production accounts for 80% of the needs of the Japanese market, while the remaining 20% comes from imports.

The most sought-after products on the domestic market are cabbage, white radish and onion.
Fresh and processed products imported into Japan amount to 2,700,000 tons. Among the fresh ones, onion is the most requested and accounts for 30% of the import only (mainly from China which covers 90% of the demand), followed by pumpkin, carrot, green onion and burdock.
Among the imported processed products, tomato is the most sought-after vegetable with 40% of imports (20% of which comes from the United States).

The main countries importing vegetable products in Japan are China (about 50% of imports), USA (about 20%), New Zealand (about 5%).

Source: Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website


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